Digital Era: Rise of Fakism!
Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram... all three are top social media platforms with multi-million active users active daily. The question isn't why are they so popular, rather why we are so addicted to them. The simple answer is where dream meets reality, we get carried away. Social Media gives us recognition, we get likes & comments on our photos, videos and every other stuff we chose to share. This leads to giving us false recognition which we lack in real life because appreciating on social media is a must while we didn't give a crap of how much that same person is worth in real life. But this is not the case as we do get recognition in real life too but it's always delayed, but on social media, everything is so fast and getting fast recognition and appreciation is not a big deal there. So no matter it's temporary or fake we somehow crave for it, because that feeling drives us to thrive more and that's why we share our heartbreaks & achievements firstly on s...